Law Society Supports CCIWA Campaign to Cut Payroll Tax

Law Society Supports CCIWA Campaign to Cut Payroll Tax

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

The Law Society of Western Australia has joined other peak WA industry groups in supporting the campaign of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) to increase the payroll tax threshold for small businesses, which the CCIWA believes will lead to the creation of jobs in our State.

The Law Society supports the campaign by the CCIWA that calls for the State Government to raise the payroll tax threshold by $100,000 to $950,000, which the CCIWA estimates will create almost 900 additional jobs in the first year and potentially boost the State economy by over $280 million.

In 2018, the majority of solicitors in Australia (69%) were working in private practice (according to the  2018 National Profile of Solicitors, a report commissioned by the Law Society of New South Wales on behalf of the Conference of Law Societies). The Law Society believes that the recommendations proposed by the CCIWA would have a positive impact on private practice firms and potentially create more employment opportunities in the legal profession.

The Law Society of Western Australia acknowledges the difficult task of budget allocation – and commends the Government for recent justice reinvestment initiatives, which are anticipated to produce good outcomes. The Law Society now encourages the Government to consider the submission from the CCIWA to reduce the burden of payroll tax on employers.

The President of the Law Society, Greg McIntyre SC said, “The Law Society is pleased to support this submission by the CCIWA. Increasing the payroll tax threshold will benefit small businesses across every industry, including the legal profession, by potentially creating more employment opportunities.”

Read the full media statement of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) here.

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For comment please contact:

Andrew MacNiven
Senior Media and Communications Coordinator
(08) 9324 8634


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