The Law Society of Western Australia calls on the McGowan Government to reverse unfair budget cuts to its school education programme

The Law Society of Western Australia calls on the McGowan Government to reverse unfair budget cuts to its school education programme

Thursday, 6 September 2018

The Law Society of Western Australia calls on the State Government to reverse its more than $110,000 budget cut to the Law Society’s Education and Community Services, which include the Francis Burt Law Education Programme, Mock Trial Competition and Old Court House Law Museum.

Law Society President Hayley Cormann said, “The Law Society’s Francis Burt Law Education Programme plays a vital and unique role in advancing the Western Australian community’s understanding of the law, legal principles and justice system. The driving principle of the Programme is that all Western Australians should understand the law and the legal system which affects their everyday lives.”

“In 2017-2018, more than 10,000 people engaged in activities through the Francis Burt Law Education Programme, with approximately 85% of this figure made up by primary and secondary school groups,” Ms Cormann said.

“The Programme provides important resources to students and teachers, as well as special programmes and events including professional learning for teachers, the Lawyer Visits to Schools Network, Subsidised School Visits Programme, Cluedunnit Kids Competition, Youth Civics Leadership Day and Sir Ronald Wilson Lecture. Visitors to the Programme have the opportunity to observe real courts in session, facilitating unique learning experiences and providing an opportunity to see our justice system in action,” Ms Cormann said.

“The budget cut will have a tangible negative impact on the community, particularly affecting the opportunities of young Western Australians to engage with and understand the law and legal system. The Law Society therefore appeals to the State Government to reverse these damaging cuts, and reinstate the $110,000 in funding from 1 July 2019.”

For more information on the Law Society’s Francis Burt Law Education Programme and Mock Trial Competition, please click on the infographic below or visit our website.

The Law Society of Western Australia calls on the McGowan Government to reverse unfair budget cuts to its school education programme

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For comment please contact:

Andrew MacNiven
Senior Media and Communications Officer
(08) 9324 8634

About us: The Law Society of Western Australia is the peak professional association for lawyers in the State. The Society is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the representation of its more than 4,000 members. The Society enhances the legal profession through its position as a respected leader and contributor on law reform, access to justice and the rule of law. The Society is widely acknowledged by the legal profession, government and the community as the voice of the legal profession in Western Australia.

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