Law Society congratulates Joseph McGrath SC on Supreme Court appointment

Law Society congratulates Joseph McGrath SC on Supreme Court appointment

The Law Society of Western Australia congratulates Joseph McGrath SC on his appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. The State Government has announced that Mr McGrath will begin his new role on 28 November 2016.

Law Society President Elizabeth Needham said, “Over three decades, Joseph McGrath SC has amassed a wealth of experience and is well respected within the legal profession.

“Having worked in private practice, in government roles and at the Independent Bar, Mr McGrath has enjoyed a distinguished career and will no doubt excel in his new position as a Judge of the Supreme Court.”

Mr McGrath joined the Law Society on being admitted to practice in 1991 and is a member of the Law Society’s Ethics Committee. He was previously Deputy Convenor of the Law Society’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – General and Commercial Litigation Committee and a member of its Brief Editorial Committee. Mr McGrath has also been a valued speaker at Law Society CPD seminars over many years.

Mr McGrath was admitted to practice in WA in 1991 and worked for Freehill, Hollingdale and Page from 1990 to 1991. In 1992, he was Associate to Justice Lee in the Federal Court.

From 1993 to 1998 Mr McGrath served as first a Senior then Principal Legal Officer for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions in Perth, and as Senior Assistant Director from 2000 to 2001.

Mr McGrath joined  the  Independent  Bar  in  March  2001,  until  his  appointment  as Director of Public Prosecutions in 2010.

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For comment please contact:

Andrew MacNiven
Media and Communications Officer
(08) 9324 8634

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